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Saturday, July 09, 2005


The Boss Man Returns

Those who have been following this blog since its
inception (God® only knows why) may notice some
changes today. They have arisen because your humble
blogmeister has personally taken over control from his
deputy/nephew, affectionately known by one and all as
"the Squid" (for reasons best left unbroadcast). Not
that Squiddy wasn't doing a good job - I am eternally
grateful for his work in setting things up and
fiddling with the HTML templates and all the other
bothersome trifles a gentleman does not sully his
hands with. Some of his contributions were, however,
rather jejune for the atmosphere we want to create
here, and to those who were offended by his ephemera
all I can say is that youth must be served
(preferrably with a nice chianti, as Hannibal Lecter
would add). What remains are the posts sent during my
unintentionally prolonged stay in Britain, where a
misunderstanding at Heathrow over the significance of
my "Bible Gun Camp" ball cap resulted in a stint as
guest of HRH Elizabeth II until the authorities
determined that their suspected Al Qaeda
operative was merely a jaded G8-protester (arsed if
I'll walk 8km to ogle a gaggle of dried-out dybbuks
and be pepper-sprayed by uniformed thugs who should
have been back home protecting London). I have also
remedied some unintentional confusion regarding my
identity. The Squid seems to have gotten the
impression I wanted this blog to be anonymous, but as
my post from yesterday states, its main purpose - as
with all blogs - is ego gratification, which is not
the sort of thing that can be successfully
accomplished behind a veil of secrecy. I make no
claims to be the only HariBalzac on the web, or even
the first one - but I do have sufficient seniority to
be the original on Yahoo Canada, which is the closest
to a public e-mail address you will ever get here,
reader dear. So in closing, just let me once again
say thanks to the Squid, and I'll take 'er from here,

- haribalzac

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